my laptop hates me. this better be worth all that effort. anyways. whipped loki is good civ
you will pry ragnarok-themed asgardian loki robes from my cold dead hands

123 605

Special design for the most wonderful loki series if you are interested in ordering a t-shirt or anything connected in bio

1 5

I swear if by episode6 these mf dont kiss, I will march to Marvel and burn it to the ground myself.

17 51

today I give you two sides of the hug scene.
tomorow, who knows?

okay I mean I'm not ready for this show to end tomorrow.

5 22

Okay because I am obsessed with this idea, I made some reference art. Blue is Mobius and green is Loki.

Don’t judge me.

1 9

Post-canon au where Mobius goes back to being a highschool teacher with a Norse god as his partner
(I'm pretty sure now that this is the context behind all of my domestic Lokius art)

51 416

It's okay, they have a permit 😌
(or any other ship you want, it's okay, you have a permit too)

14 81

Can’t stop thinking abt this scene srly

15 90

“And I remember you. Of all the insipid bureaucrats of the TVA you were by far the most dull.”
“How’d that campaign turn out for you?”
“Shut up.”

14 43

more brainrot
"Don't worry, Loki. I already knew."
~4 hours, watercolor

0 5

Oh god lovely nigth but Lokius

0 1

Another funky lil doodle for the fanfic, hopefully I'll be finished writing chapter 4 soon, so I can post it

8 57

“I’ll have you know that blue is my favourite colour”

1281 6412

I love them more than you can imagine

27 141