when Thor goes “no more mr. nice guy!,” has to be a strict parent/brother/husband/nemesis and put the naughty children (Throg & Alligator Loki) as well as his brother/wife/nemesis (Loki) in a time out 🥺😭😂

8 81

Mirror Lake, kid Thor & kid Loki’s secret spot where they spent their days playing, after sneaking away from their royal lessons, of course. i rly like that this basically confirms Thor was impressed by Loki’s seidr abilities, that Loki enjoyed entertaining Thor too 🥺💕

3 21

Tê tay, mỏi gối, đau mắt, gãy lưng:)))

20 70

a week with my brother from Thor's POV

THURSDAY『making up』
"Got a call Loki asking me to pick him up at 2 am in the morning. Apparently, in his language, that means 'I want to make things right with you.’ ...Right? ”

38 215

my modern 🐍⚡️ AU series
in the bottom left ↙️ It's how he multitasked like a pro: satisfying his caffeine cravings and nailing his nail polish at the same time☕💅

左下は 🐍ちゃん流、ネイル乾かしつつ珈琲を飲む方法。多分⚡️失敗して零す。ドヤ顔だけど😇

44 193

Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, the beloved nephew still remembers his promises🥰❤️‍🩹💍

(I’m still alive!:D)

11 86

Papa Thor trying to be the reasonable parent and not let Alligator Loki murder Throg, while Mama Loki supports his alligator baby, all of AL’s rights and wrongs, like “you’re doing amazing, sweetie!” 😩😂💕 ⚡️🐍+🐊+❌🐸

3 25

this thor with this loki, wolf & fox AU 🐺🦊💕


9 45

my accompanying piece for 's fic 「My brother's keeper」for the big bang


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