Kochi Fish with Eggplant, from the series Uozukushi (Every Variety of Fish), by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858)

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These series of works arrived by purely responding to the sounds, rhythm, and movements of the piece. . . From borrowing lines that beetles make in the forest to carving my own drawn lines onto woodblocks, all of these actions of making were derived from the music.- Mika Aono

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New artwork for sale! - "purple iris and mount Fuji Japanese woodblock arts" - https://t.co/8LKvIMl5yF

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New artwork for sale! - "purple iris and mount Fuji Japanese woodblock arts" - https://t.co/8LKvIMCGqd

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Shibata Zeshin (柴田是真, 1807 – 1891)

Japanese sweets, from set 2 of a Hana Kurabe series of 10 sets

Meiji era, 1875-1880

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Tama the Cat, Woodblock Print by Hiroaki Takahashi, 1926

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Kobayashi Kiyochika (小林清親,1847–1915)



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Shinano. The Moon Reflected in the Sarashina Paddy-fields, Mount Kyodai, from Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces, by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)


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So you might have seen the new Singular Point trailer with the expanded view of the ‘Gojira’ woodblock print. It shows a flock of hat-wearing birds-these are Tengu, mythological creatures, and the kanji with them reads “羅甸天狗”, or Raden/Radon Tengu... 1/2

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A Pale View fig.III
The third one in a palette by . I wanted this small picture to be as easy as possible, as the second one was kind of hard for me to draw (I'm yet a beginner), so I chose only three colours. I hope you like it.

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'The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife', woodblock-printed design by Hokusai (1814)

'Doja Cat casts her spell", by Steven Klein and Jason Ebeyer for V Magazine (2021)

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