Bamco: "can I copy your homework"
Arcsys: "sure but just dont make it too similar"

Bamco: "ok i got it"

0 3

Alt version bc ArcSys are gods

28 131

I know we already have more than enough Gokus in FighterZ, but c'mon, Arcsys would make this look so beautiful in-game.

Also, Videl and Jiren play just as amazing as expected. 👌

12 173

Nouveaux Visuels Kill la Kill The Game
Le jeu est toujours prévu pour 2019 sur et

0 0

I don't know how I just recently heard about this when it was announced last year that is getting a 3D fighting by ArcSystemWorks and OMG IT LOOKS SO FUCKING COOL!!!!!!

3 10

>listening to Castle Super Beast
> and spend minutes talking about how amazing arcsys is
>stares at the clock

0 2

Aspiraciones de Arcys (Toshimichi Mori y Daisuke Ishiwatari) de cara al 2019

Daisuke Ishiwatari: "Trabajando en crear no uno de los numerosos títulos sino en uno de los pocos anticipados"

Link con todos los detalles:

3 7

amanly a fusion between broly and amane come on guys EVERYONE WILL LOVE IT TRUST ME

2 4

Esta semana vamos a hacer un hilo poniendo una imagen cada día de ilustraciones que ha hecho (diseñador de arte conceptual de RWBY Chibi) con personajes de Arcsys o haciendo alusión a ellos.
1º > Ramlethal Valentine (#GuiltyGear) vs Penny Polendina (#RWBY)

17 38

Still can't get over how perfectly ArcSys faking 2D looks in 3D.

0 2

You gotta love ArcSystemWorks attention to detail.

89 328