Mastemon, fusion of Angewomon and Ladydevimon from Digimon, her first appearance is in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth if I'm not mistaken. I'm not 100% sure, but I know she was absolutely sure she was created in recent years, like 2015 or 2016.

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"Papà , come mai siamo stati capaci di eleggere il nostro primo presidente nero, con le statue dei generali confederati ancora in piedi?"
"Siamo maturati come paese, e poi siamo diventati immaturi."

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I'm team sugar and will gladly friendly fire!
I'm SimplyTemonade on there too!

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Nicolas de Plattemontagne.1631-1706. Homme demi-étendu sur le côté droit. Mars 1702. Sanguine,pierre noire et rehauts de craie blanche sur papier beige.

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Goodnight everyone!
Tomorrow is the last Non-Birthday of June’s DailyFE, it’ll be and I’ll be covering Nagi!
It’s been quite a ride this month hasn’t it? You all made it perfect for me.
Now do yourself a favor, get a good sleep and enjoy your Nightly Feh Manga!

4 14

Clent Zero
Acrylic on wood

Here’s my latest painting for Cactus Gallery’s exhibit THE UNUSUAL CHILD!

Take a look online here:

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These are 5 years apart from one another. I originally pitched back then. However, I needed time to develop my skills first. The results are SHOCKING!!!

Don't forget to subscribe to read the first 21 pages for FREE -

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Also had to include mastemon & ladydevimon 🙈

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week 344: Flower colour is a good predictor of pollinator in the genus Penstemon; red-flowered species are likely to be hummingbird pollinated, purple-blue-flowered species are likely to be bee pollinated.
Discover more at

3 13

Y así seria nuestro dragon gordito favorito como si fuera un Digimon. DragoniteMon ha llegado al mundo digital

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Another Digimon OC: Cottemon. She's definitely the design with the most revision done so far.

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"I decided to treat you all with a picture of me playing with my new toy" // source not found

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