now i put them all in one photo and i feel so satisfied~ they're gonna be charms and will be available in cosmania!

61 203

_(:3 」∠)_ where are the ppl who like bravely in the PH please give me an excuse to print these for cosmania

16 50

Re:vale Acrylic standee sample XDDD available at

2 7

Gods? Big Bang Theory? nah! Momma Cosma creating life!
New commission finished, also posted here:

0 3

A month ago I took part to a contest to design the new Essence mascotte Cosma. Unfortunately I didn’t win, but I wanted to share my entry with you!

43 220

Essence Cosmetics, Cosma concept.
I've been working on this since February but I wasn't allowed to show it until now. More concepts soon.

0 0

😭 Busco cosmaker que pudiera hacerme esto? 😭

No tengo ni idea de por cuánto podría salir, pero sé que es un traje que me encantaría poder llevar a salones cuando voy con stand!

Estaré pendiente a DMs y respuestas, porque realmente quiero encargarlo en algún momento! 😊

78 65

2月25日 コス痛in名古屋シートレインランド(愛知県)
3月11日 COSMAI白野江植物公園(福岡県北九州市門司区)
4月1日 コス痛in吹屋ふるさと村(岡山県高梁市成羽町)
4月21・22日 コス痛in下関はいからっと横丁(山口県下関市)

4 4

Gracias por traernos historias y personajes tan inolvidables 💖.

📷 Albert Rodríguez

15 35

Some stuff I started before my Thanksgiving Break but have yet to finish
Featuring Mae and Bea, being Gal Pals, and Cosma and my Daiyu, also totally just being Gal Pals
Also Candy Gator, a WIP character that's been around for almost a year now

0 1

Big Cosma, my favorite character from OK KO ;3c

5 16

Aaand done! Last set of charms for Kcon and Cosmatsuri! Go Go is my favorite song from their most recent comeback huahua///// / o /

8 20

Hi, I'm Lau a cosplayer and cosmaker from Barcelona. These are my favorite cosplays.

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