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381 2143

hes soooo babygirl 💖#ShigarakiTomura

19 73

☺️✨✨ อ้อยเด็กๆน่ารัก

236 1022

Nooo I forgot the Shigi Birthday
Take this little repost 😔✊

16 109

This has been a long time coming been working on this for a while lol

A Nightmare Before LOV(e)

Also happy belated Shiggy

25 104

Antes que nada no estoy reviviendo,solo soy una aparición fantasmal

Es que hoy es cumple de mi Shiggy peshosho <3 y si o si queria hacer algo por ello...Traté de apurarme para acabar al menos algo sencillo y aqui aun es 4 de abril asi que alv

5 19

Happy birthday to him!!! I realized it was his birthday last night and drew this up quick but I got tired so I’m only posting now


2 5

forgot to post this with the other one😗

59 249

Happy Birthday Tomura Shigaraki ♡ ♡ ♡

Some little gifts for Shiggy. Poor boy isn't used to getting gifts..
((Posting it to japans timezone. Don't be confused ))

41 196