DUDE imagine adora playing around with catra calling her cute just to make her mad

3 9

Just finished and OMG !!! YES THANK YOU IT WAS AMAZING❤️

6 30

adora finally got her cat girl gf, im proud

1 1

Wow, DreamWorks knows how to do reboots!? Get on it other companies, you've got a long way to go.

0 2

I still can't believe Catradora is actually canon-❤️

13 48

Oh so now is stealing from Revolutionary Girl Utena too. It wasn't enough when SU was doing it like 3 times a season! No NOW we have to steal THE ENTIRE ENDING SCENE AS WELL.
I'm so angry.
what the actual fuck?????

3 18

in which catra is pouting because adora won't give her a kiss but adora finds a pouty catra very cute

31 101

Can't believe it's over! I'm gonna miss this show so much, it means a lot to me! But what a beautiful finale! These two deserve some happiness and peace at last~

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