画質 高画質

Another of my beach scenes in watercolour depicting the sheer joy of those magical timeless days at the seaside 👌🎨☺️


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Some of the images from the monster of a comic commission I’ve finished it’s a real story! A women who became an engineer, got married, had two kids, lost her husband but made it all work!

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「 漆黒の女神 」

完成しました。ウォーターフォード F10サイズ

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I was rendering a sign for my 3D design module and umm idk what happened but I kinda like it haha(゚∀゚) I had to do some watercolour doodles and I’m calling it Signachu lol

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A couple of miniature watercolour landscapes

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Just found some whimsical illustrations of our pets that I did for my kids many many years ago. This is Dandelion & Burdock, the lion headed rabbit and the ermm, brown guinea pig. 😂

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Someone watched the scary bit at the end together with me!

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