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I need you to understand how """"Cool"""" I was playing YuGiOh at Books-a-Million every Saturday in this outfit https://t.co/4vbvUTjyT0
For Lilith's background, trying to go for a YuGiOh Darklord like feel with the light rays
Lilith was going to be an Angel before she got the design she has, so going off of the fallen angel deck is a perfect fit!
アテムの特戦隊! Atemu No Tokusentai!
Scan credit: ritornello
#アテム #Atemu #Atem
#海馬瀬人 #KaibaSeto
#イシズイシュタール #IshizuIshtar
#マリクイシュタール #MarikIshtar
#闇獏良 #YamiBakura
#城之内克也 #JounouchiKatsuya
#遊戯王 #Yugioh
Ryoken :”You don’t need this for me to kiss you.”
了見 :“你不需要这个来让我吻你。”
#procreate #yugioh #遊戲王 #了見 #了遊 #遊作 #PockyDay #pocky #pockyday2021
i got so sick of being on my own, now the devil won't leave me alone... #yugioh #bakura #ryoubakura
#yugiohtcg #yugioh #遊戯王 #YuGiOh
Brave Soul Borrelauncher Dragon
I really love how Jaden character develoment in Yugioh GX. Yet his simply but effective design remained almost the same. I really miss this series. :^)
Capitulo 6 de Yugioh Gyex Szp por fin publicado xD! https://t.co/5MbFo9o8hQ¡catia-vs-jaime
El próximo capitulo también se publicara esta semana
#yugiohgyexszp #yugioh #wattpad #fanfic