Thanks for 2000 followers and all the fun interactions we have had! 💖

Here is the game series that inspired me to make the account: Final Fight by Capcom!

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Tune of the Seven Towers, 1857

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Ei pessoal, hoje a partir das 18hrs, tem nossa já tradicional livezinha de coop com a patroa, estão todos convidados a sextar com a gente lá no meu canal da roxinha.

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Working on finishing up character sheets by — will be sharing this weekend! Check out more fantastic pixel art by on the Pizza Kidd Discord 😈

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Stanley Spencer, Study for ‘Apple Gatherers’, 1912

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Call me Fancy. I draw cute AND creepy stuff, plus animate a bit, while also working on developing a murder mystery Otome game

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30 years ago Sega did what Nintendon't again and released the first complete version of Final Fight for home consoles. Featuring all levels and characters from the arcades, remixed soundtrack, extended intro and even voice overs!

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Here in my country really love the original Kinnikuman Series (the 80s one) so now that was announced a reboot we are exited

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E aí pessoal, vora curtir essa sexta-feira conosco? Hoje, a partir das 18hrs lá no meu canal da roxinha, teremos aquela live que todos amam, a live de coop com a Klonoa, estão todos convidados a curtir com a gente!


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E aí pessoal, vora curtir essa sexta-feira conosco? Hoje, a partir das 18hrs lá no meu canal da roxinha, teremos aquela live que todos amam, a live de coop com a Klonoa, estão todos convidados a curtir com a gente!

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La idea de fusionar Ninjas, payasos y el género de podría sonar muy bien en la cabeza de alguien, pero lo cierto es que este Ninja Clowns, no acaba de convencerme. Como curiosidad está bien pelear contra mujeres barbudas, pero de ahí no pasa...

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