画質 高画質

【CeVIO】The vocal synth of the hour is Suzuki Tsudumi.
One of the first vocals released for the CeVIO engine, Tsudumi is a prim girl who doesn’t talk much, except for when discussing things she likes, such as literature.
She has been friends with Sato Sasara for a long time.

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【CeVIO AI】The vocal synth of the hour is Kizuna.
Based on her voice provider Kizuna AI, the first breakout VTuber who debuted in 2016. Kizuna is designed to act as a way to continue supporting Kizuna AI post-indefinite-hiatus through connecting fans and music creators.

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【splatoon2】キルされたら服が脱げるはずだったスプラ2【CeVIO AI】:https://t.co/Fqow3jgDMG

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【CeVIO】The vocal synth of the hour is Kinzaki Koharu.
Released as a part of the Color Voice Series, Koharu is a complementary voicebank to Ginsaki Yamato.
She is a graceful 52 year old woman who is said to make a big impression despite her size.

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【NEUTRINO】The vocal synth of the hour is Tohoku Kiritan.
The youngest of the three Tohoku sisters, Kiritan’s NEUTRINO voicebank uses AI technology to produce a realistic vocal.
In addition to this voicebank, Kiritan has voicebanks for VOICEROID, UTAU, and CeVIO.

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【マリオカート8デラックス】無免許と脳内ガバガバ【CeVIO AI】:https://t.co/igQn4u7GH7

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CeVIO FeSTA7で頒布予定の新刊イラスト本、無事に脱稿しました、これでようやくマイペース投稿が再開出来そうです。近々お品書きあげますね

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day 4, fireworks, i drew the cevio, ci flower

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CeVIO SUMMIT6 申込みました 初の成人向け同人誌に挑戦しようと思います。出てたらよろしくお願いします。

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CeVIO SUMMIT6に申込してきました。

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【CeVIO】The vocal synth of the hour is Takahashi.
A 20 year old man from Saitama, Takahashi is one of Sato Sasara’s neighbors, and she sees him as her older brother.
His first name is unknown.

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2022/7.10 名古屋国際会議場
Cevio FeSTA 7


ちびファイ様 の新譜ジャケットイラストを描かせていただきました!よろしくお願いします!

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明日19時30分より、花隈千冬のCeVIO AIトーク/SynthV制作に向けたクラウドファンディング(CF)の詳細を生放送にてご紹介いたします。



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【CeVIO】The vocal synth of the hour is Midorizaki Kasumi.
Released as a part of the Color Voice Series, Kasumi is a complementary voicebank to Shirosaki Yuudai. Kasumi is a 27 year old woman who loves performing housework.

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新曲「LIONESS」のCeVIO Talkおまけです。


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9/4のEach of Voice(CeVIO SUMMIT6)に
えむちゃん( )と参加させていただきます~🦐🍜

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