Los huesos de los dedos de los vertebrados son los metacarpos y las falanges. Los pandas poseen cinco dedos normales (con sus metacarpos y falanges), pero poseen además un sexto dedo a modo de pulgar que se ha formado por el alargamiento del hueso sesamoideo radial.

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i made this snailchamp (pogsnail?) emote for an invertebrate zoology class discord and might just make a bunch of stupid pogchamp emotes in general now because i'm very bored

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Going to press on Monday, is a personal alphabet of by . and more. will be printing the book in Norwich. On sale in April, £20 in the UK.

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Box leaf-mining gall midge - uncommon and perhaps due to other box feeding invertebrates & pathogens likely to become rarer https://t.co/TFcn6Hg8wM

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Cervical ribs: accessory ribs arising from the seventh cervical vertebra, occur in ~0.5% of the population, can cause thoracic outlet syndrome by compression of the brachial plexus or subclavian artery/vein

Case courtesy of Dr Henry Knipe (), https://t.co/oowPYkcZZV

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Helping turn her illustrated alphabet of invertebrates into a beautiful book of Last stages of putting it all together for publication in April. has 112 pages packed full of info & pics.

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Super rough study. Needed one for another project but thought this guy was cool enough to post on its own! Original photo this study is based on is by Chad Hunt.

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Hi ! I'm Sarah Dahlinger. I draw and sculpt creatures for books, games, and film. I’m also a scientific illustrator focused on vertebrate anatomy. I love making the fanciful look real. You can see more & get in touch on my website at: https://t.co/rwzSiBsKP5

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The Burgess Shale is known for the exceptional preservation of half-a-billion year old invertebrates which give unique insights into early animal evolution. What can be harder to study are the whole communities in which those animals lived; these studies are time/effort intensive

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45. Most cases of CES result from disc protrusion. The intervertebral discs are a secondary cartilaginous joint. They have a tough outer layer (the annulus fibrosis) and a gelatinous core (nucleus pulposus).

Image: https://t.co/mFzMoTx9VL

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Working on the extinct protopinniped Enaliarctos! But now how to take measurements when the vertebrae are embedded in rock...🤔🤔🤔

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Remember, 80% of all known species are invertebrates, it’s the small things that rule this world!

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7.6: The five vertebral regions—cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyg… https://t.co/DtmvOfu98w

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名:霜乃瀬 璃菜

界:動物界 Animalia
門:脊索動物門 Chordata
亜門:脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata
綱:哺乳綱 Mammalia
目:ネコ目 Carnivora
科:イヌ科 Canidae
属:キツネ属 Vulpes
種:アカギツネ V.vulpes
亜種:キタキツネ V.v.schrencki

学名:Vulpes vulpes schrencki

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Tengo un tip para ti SKSNSN antes de dibujar los brazos ya teniendo la base que usaste dibuja la mano, después el antebrazo y ya el resto, te va a ayudar mucho, es lo que yo hago(?

Espero te sirva djdkdn https://t.co/LO0q0nbEon

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Parioscorpio venator: este es el escorpión más antiguo hallado hasta la fecha, con unos 437M años. Sus restos se encontraron en Utah, que en la época estaba cubierto por aguas poco profundas pobladas por varios tipos de invertebrados. En tierra, por otro lado, apenas había vida

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