Monday Morning cartoons I watched MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Bugs in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bunny (1980)
Foghorn in The Yolks on You (1980)
Daffy Flies North (1980)
Pink Panther in Pinto Pink (1969)
Daffy Duck in The Duxorcist (1987)

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Tercer fanart de Nagatoro. Este me parecio funny cuando lo vi por primera vez y no me aguante las ganas de dibujarla

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Friday Morning cartoons I watched MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Elmer Fudd in Ant Pasted (1953)
Patriotic Popeye (1957)
Porky Pig in Old Glory (1939)
Pink Panther in G.I. Pink (1968)
Bugs Bunny in Yankee Doodle Bugs (1954)

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Lovestruck 7/2 New Releases:

🔮We fit perfectly together...🔮

💘Nahara S3 Premiere Out Now!💘

The App Store:
Google Play:

2 30

If you could bring Cosmo back, how would she be portrayed? What powers would she have? We'd love to hear 🌱

✨ Credit to escapethecitywithme on Tumblr! Check out their stuff:

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In honor of Pride month, we’ll be introducing you to some of our LGBTQ love interests!

🥊Esperanza Gutierrez🥊

“Wrath, as the ringleader, always puts her troupe's saftey first. She's serious and has a fiery passion for work.”

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Now that summer has officially started, time to bring back swimsuit season! First up is Nagatoro!

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Tuesday Morning cartoons I watched MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Porky Pig in An Egg Scramble (1950)
Billy Boy (1954) Dir. Tex Avery
Pink Panther in Pink Outs (1967)
Bugs Bunny in Falling Hare (1943)
Daffy Duck in Duck Amuck (1953)

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🔮Nahara Season 3 is out this Friday!!🔮

💘Have you caught up on her previous seasons yet?💘

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I really loved the anime adaptation of Don't toy me, Miss Nagatoro, here's hoping for a Season 2!
Realmente amé Porfavor no me molestes, Nagatoro; espero le den una segunda temporada!

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