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Celestial ships ll"by Nicolas Vargas from my “Second Stage"https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #worldcup #etsyshop #SaturdayMorning #finerteamerica #SWEENG #SaturdayMorning
Camino Verde "by Nicolas Vargas from my"Beginning Series, this is in: https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #ThursdayThoughts #etsyshop #finerteamerica #Happy5thofJuly #SorryToBotherYou #RockBandLiterature #ExplainA90sGifPoorly #PAKvAUS
Tracer rigging done, hopefully can start some finer touches tomorrow. #WIP
Nothing finer than colouring in buckets of poo on a blisteringly hot summers day #livingthedream #illustration #poo #hotpoo #pooey
Renacer "by Nicolas Vargas from my “Second Stage"https://t.co/4jsdOLf5vE #TuesdayThoughts #etsyshop #HarleyDavidson #finerteamerica #MakeMyHoroscopeInteresting
Devenir "by Nicolas Vargas from my “Second Stage"https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #FathersDay #etsyshop #MondayMotivation #finerteamerica #Suecia #SWEKOR #WhatIDidOnMyTwitterVacation
Well someone had to introduce Shatterstar to the finer bits of musical arts of earth, right?
Celestial ships ll"by Nicolas Vargas from my “Second Stage"https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #TonyAwards #etsyshop #E32018 #finerteamerica #RobertDeNiro #IHOb #MondayMotivation #TheRealityOfDepressionIs
cleaned sculpt. added a finer details, fixed eyes, tomorrows lunch time, I will make his vest.
Celestial ships ll"by Nicolas Vargas from my “Second Stage"https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #Ambien #etsyshop #LetsGoPadres #finerteamerica #WednesdayWisdom #ImAnExpertAt #MPC18
just finished blocking out the proportions for this dragon, any C&C before moving into the finer details? #3dart #gameart #polycount
Encore un truc vite fait, la flemme de peaufiner. Vous pouvez m'appeler le flemmard, pas de soucis.😎
Enviromental concept art for a factory/refinery area. We wiill probably end up making it more alien in the end, but wanted to share this nice piece or art still #indiegame #videogame #indiedev #gamedev #conceptart #gameart
Floaty UI for the awesome refinery machine by @goldsheepish
#indiegame #indiedev #gamedev #indiedevhour #ui #animation #tgif #wip
Celestial ships ll"by Nicolas Vargas from my “Second Stage"https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #CeleBreadies #etsy #WednesdayWisdom #finerteamerica #Nationals #RedAlert
A BJ a day keeps the doctor away... By the Refinery 29 creative team @refinery29
#vellum #vellumwellness #refinery29 #creativeteam #creative #bj #hands #gestures #steakandblowjobday #freeblowjobs #iloveblowjobs #oral #oralfixation #proteinshakes #forall #sexuality #humansexuality
Camno Verde"by Nicolas Vargas from my"Beginning Series,this is in: https://t.co/4jsdOKXu74 #FridayFeeling #etsy #SuperTroopers2 #finerteamerica #Happy420 #NoTearsLeftToCry #Manchester #Commonwealth #Columbine