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My Top 9 NFL retakes do far...

2 44

wait a minute,this scenario seems familiar....

8 264

Let me eliminate this city to end the war...

63 342

The Beggars Bindings set.

- Beggars Blinders [Face]
- Beggars Hood [Head]
- Beggars Cloak [Torso]
- Beggars Circlets [Shoulders] x 2
- Beggars Sash [Waist]

6 Accessories total.

"You must be unfamiliar..."

3 66

Satoshi Gekkouga In 2020


Eureka Dedenne in 2021

XY STANS Winning Ever Year...🙃😏..

8 41

Puede que no todos los gags entren y que el CGI cante de vez en cuando, pero que divertida es Ragnarok y como picotea de los tebeos mezclando aventura, sci-fi y momentos íntimos. Los diseños Kirbyescos de Saakar...uf 🥵

0 9

Barstool is the only seat tall enough for me in the bar...

Thank you so much for this beautiful drawing , go check her out!

2 30

Welp, perdonen que desaparecía así sin avisar...aveces mierda ocurre en tu vida diaria... probablemente siga inactivo unos días más, pronto regresare a la actividad habitual

Gracias por la paciencia

0 3

After looking at the vote count, why is Buzzwole even this high up?

I’m not saying it’s a bad Pokémon but, it’s not that popular... unless I’m missing something.

0 3

Long ago in the witch land far..far.... away there lived a beautiful witch. The island is so enchanting and beautiful, it feels like a dream to see it. A commission done for @/luna.de.witchland from ig together with her lovely unicorn. Thanks for always supporting my works!🌌🧚‍♀️🦄

2 11

That... is pretty far...
Oh wyrm...

0 3

finally caught one of these on time! 8) had a bit of a break from transformers fanart lately, but here's some stuff i did over the last year...

20 81

The Christmas gains and winter weight might of hit a little harder this year...

Absolutely wonderful art by

58 197

//Llorar...es lo único que se hacer :,)

"Deja de llorar...los idiotas difícilmente mueren..."

10 24

John Kachik creates a hand painted Valentine for his wife each year... and each year we promise to keep it a secret until after he gives it to her! Love is everywhere, if you look for it.


0 2

I launched a new Kickstarter last night, for a 40 page, full-colour collection of comic strips called 'Love Her Madly & Other Stories'. It's 82% funded already, so thanks to everyone who has backed it so far...

10 17

Maybe I'll give another swing at this later this year...

61 409