If you like then you will love from a solid FPS, you use a Time weapon to unravel the story and also bring objects from the past into the present.

1 5

4 Covers from 1984

Caverns of Eriban - 1984
Willow Pattern - 1984
Buggy Blast - 1984
Cylu - 1984

6 13

Loved this game S.D.I you are a member of a US space fighter unit, save the world by destroying missiles and satellites with your space jet, fun game.

2 13

Keeping the games coming on the next up is Rocket Ranger, one of their best cinematic games, bit hard to play but worth getting through

3 26

Going through the games on the here is The King of Chicago, you can see some of the gameplay elements that became hallmarks for their other titles.

4 16

created some of the best games on the every release seemed like an event, and you always knew you was getting something that looked amazing.

3 29

One of the top games, amazing what this game is when you play it again decades later, an open world driving game, traffic lights, real maps

7 24

I was blown away by the visual of this game, Heart of China on the the game tries to incorporate a few different play styles and genres, much like a Cinemaware game.

13 31

4 Covers from 1992

DJ Puff - 1992
Murray Mouse: Supercop - 1992
Grell and Fella - 1992
Big Nose's American Adventure - 1992

5 18

Another series that started on the and still being made today and that's The Patrician, build a shipping trade empire, build a city, defend your ships.

4 26

Such a simple game, but a game I played hours of back in the day, I'm sure it's because I liked Chuckie Egg so much

3 15

Good conversion of BootCamp game, good fun 2-player game, there were many games with this 2-player view, I wish we had more of them today😀

6 23

4 Covers from 1990

Tilt - 1990
Italian Supercar - 1990
Magicland Dizzy - 1990
Prince Clumsy - 1990

7 15