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K Seven Stories posters from this month and last month; most of them are ongoing illustrations that match up with previous months. One day, they'll all be stitched together! 😦 #k_anime
26-27.01.2019 - Prototype and Harvester. Prototype is a war machine experiment by the Varsk, a powerful mech driven by Bathu aggressive brain. Harvester is a little pause from the theme - just wanted to draw something different. #postitchallenge #postit #postitart
Rickety Stitch #2: Middle-Route Run by @bencosta and @JamesTheParks
Another grand adventure for Rickety Stitch! Such a fun series, I hope they keep coming!
Read the Review: https://t.co/p44IH6mB1x
@ricketystitch @randomhousekids #graphic novel #book review
Lovely ferrets 😍
You can purchase my patterns in my Etsy shop 👉 https://t.co/HUORlpaXre
Original illustration by @k_night_222 💞
#crossstitch #クロスステッチ #crossstitchpattern #ferret
24-25.01.2019 - Varsk Cogitators and Corrupted Varsk. Cogitators are a boss in Varsk Research Lab, themselves passive and shielded but controlling array of turrets. Corrupted Varsks fell victim to alien cordyceps fungus. #postitchallenge #postit #postitart #postitnotes #doodle
【新商品情報】HRJK MA-1 RED stitch ¥24900- S.M.L.XL 原宿店舗、https://t.co/P1yNsZQoHp
The only friend you need. lilo and stitch, disney, scrump, mspaint
22-23.01.2019 - Varsk Excavator and Bathu Primaris. Varsk Excavators are non combat units that can still ram into you and destroy platforms. Primaris is a roided out Hound, remade into a dangerous and fast melee beatstick. #postitchallenge #postit #postitart #postitnotes #doodle
More Glorious Stitching! 🧵✨#Stitch #stitching #embroidery #workshops #localtalent #Saltaire
Used that character maker thing that's been going around to make a younger version of Abby.
Would have liked to keep the eyepatch and put some scars and stitches but I could only put so few things at a time. Also the eyepatch wouldn't flip to the other eye.
thinking about stitch teaching sora to dance so i did a quick doodle! #KingdomHearts #KingdomHeartsIII
My contribution to the #kiribaku Lilo and Stitch #bnha AU that @squidwithelbows and I discussed at length lmao
AREA X - UPDATE : Configuring the last few pages of STITCHWALKER #3 layouts on course for March. Will be looking to re-master the odd page and panel and will be getting pro lettering for the hard copy Graphic Novel. 'Ballad Of The Scotch Mist' will be out v soon... Past Pix : D
Join Stephanie Redfern RBSA this February in her #workshop 'Beautiful Birds', in which you'll create layered and stitched #textile artworks exploring birds and their habitat! Visit our website for more details and to book your place now https://t.co/Ns2I11CLHC
twtitchで300フォロワー目のリスナーさんcheesepizzaさんからのリクエスト、Heroes of the Storm で彼がお気に入りのキャラ5体をデフォルメ化したイラストを描きました!
#twitch #heroesofthestorm #chibi
Here is some concept art from The Lion King drawn by the talented Chris Sanders long before he worked on Lilo and Stitch and How to Train Your Dragon.