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and their pets by Pelycosaur24 (#paleontólogos y sus "mascotas") http://t.co/aQL6KAiEAn

3 2

New Japanese Tyrannosaur, interpreted as a tyrannosaurine. Now you are safe from that nasty press image.

3 9

Here's my first attempt at a pattern. Golly I love normalizing paleoart.

43 109

Last night I finished my plate of Compsognathid

50 81

First tweet ever too!, here's my contribution! I'm not quite a paleoartist per-se but yay!

14 41

firstly described by famed paleontologist R. Wideman in 2014.

5 10

The truth behind the Paleo diet, from . http://t.co/XPWaeVSDzq

25 41

I heard from a lady today that are a myth created by "Big Paleo"..../sigh

1 7

This kid is the world's unluckiest (or least observant) junior paleontologist. At least he's in a snazzy car.

0 1

watching some docs about the cambrian explosion 😍

1 3