"Foi assim que tudo explodiu", de , chega ao Brasil em fevereiro pela

Amir Azadi é muçulmano e gay. Ele tem medo do que os pais dirão quando descobrirem essa segunda parte. Por isso, resolve fugir para Roma — um lugar que promete aventuras e confusões.

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"¿Y tu qué sabrás?" 🐻💛

"¡Uh! Yo sé un montón... ¡Más que tú!" 🦊🔥

"¡CA-LLA-TE!" 🐻💛

"¿Qué me calle yo? ¿Por qué no te callas tu?" 🦊🔥

"¡Mugroso Zombie!" 🐻💛

"¿Y tu de qué vas? ¿De romano? Más bien de Roma-Enano.. ¿Si o no?" 🦊🔥

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All your favorite useless cosmic beings show up in this one to watch the big fight and do nothing: giant baby-man Uatu The Watcher, the X-Men's patron goddess Roma, a chrome naked woman on fire, and Death from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman disguised as your dad. The whole gang.

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Hello again. Roma Mountjoy artist is from South Wales where she has a studio. She loves to paint Landscapes , Seascapes and Harbours . Mostly watercolour but acrylics too

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Oggi nel 1987 moriva a Roma l’artista Renato Guttuso, nato a Bagheria nel 1911 (da di )

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I've been listening to Gypsy Boy all weekend, and it made me want to draw Laith when he was little, living with his Roma family

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Sibille e angeli di Raffaello, conservato nella basilica di Santa Maria della Pace a Dipinte intorno all’arco che sovrasta l’ingresso della seconda cappella Chigi, le quattro Sibille Cumana, Persiana, Frigia e Tiburtina..
Esempio di bellezza e di erudizione.

41 179

“Il popolo di Roma non è propriamente cattivo, ma passionale e selvaggio nella sua collera. L’assenza di giustizia penale fa sì che ceda al primo impulso che prova, qualunque esso sia.”
Sthendal,da “Passeggiate Romane”

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Frescoes from the middle of the VII AD preserved in Santa Maria Antiqua from Roma It represents Christ

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Il viaggio in letteratura è un topos molto antico. In quella greca cito Odisseo, eroe peregrino per 20 anni in mezzo al mare e le Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio. Per i latini Virgilio,il viaggio di Enea e la fondazione di Roma,nell’Eneide.

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It wouldn't be a TGU build-up to a big game without some content on the fans who, for better or for worse throughout this fixture's history, have made the one of the fiercest and most spectacular rivalries in world football

🔵⚪️ 🔴🟡

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Pizza + Roma = this poster design by 🍕https://t.co/hJfsKlYrAK

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Ayer compartimos la cubierta de "Sub luce maligna (Antología de textos de la Antigua Roma sobre criaturas y hechos sobrenaturales)". Este es el texto que ha preparado el traductor y prologuista de la antología para la contracubierta. La ilustración es de Óscar Sanmartín.

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En los últimos años de vida de la ciudad, otra guarnición militar se estableció en su zona norte, para así asegurar el poder de Roma en el Éufrates Medio.

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“Da novembre, 9 morti di a

“Mi dispiace solo di non esserci nel dopo nel ...❣️

Stupenda e dolorosissima 💔 grazie, geniale Mauro...

! ❤️

oggi su

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Sadly Roma the time will come when that’s all any of us will have, so yes-~
make them beautiful 🌈
well having read that back it hasn’t exactly cheered me up but Hayho I’ll still post it
Keep smiling 😊 https://t.co/G7VgWzPsSb

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【 朗報 】


これからもMizukami Suiをよろしくお願いいたします💧

Illustration ▹ roma

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Primer coloreado de este año 2021, aunque aún tengo algunas del año pasado pendientes de enseñar.

Dibujo y tinta:
Color de servidor.

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