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Thanks twitter for the horrible crop >.>
anyway, my self insert OC for
She (or I) has a fun back story but who wants to hear about how Tsukasa almost kills her and she ends up vary sick cause allergies and poor Senku has to deal with it? lol

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Thinking about Senku's Dad TnT

Legit making me feel.

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Dr.STONE 17話
マジ感動した(৹ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷᷅৹)
そしていつにも増して映像が美し過ぎる(﹡֦ƠωƠ֦﹡) . 。º*

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Be careful of how much you talk about your hobbies this Thanksgiving!

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High School AU! Five Generals! :3

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The adorable Suika from Had to make this after finishing the season - killed it! 🛰️🌏

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Eyes of 5 Generals! (in my way of drawing)

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Buenas chicos esta es una segunda parte de la serie "Edkas vs estudios de animación"esta vez este frame del episodio 15 del anime,jajaja yo lo hice con fondo de cielo azul y en el anime salio dentro del laboratorio espero les guste

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Hi guys! I did a new coloring of Dr. stone, I hope that u like it xd

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Кольоровий розворот зі свіжого 127-го розділу манґи "Dr.STONE" (Доктор Камінь), що має назву "Medusa & Perseus" (Медуза та Персей).


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Fanarts i did for 😄
( added them to my redbubble too https://t.co/e9Lroz3ROw check it out ~)

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the world's most shallow man, the
imagine changing sides on a war over a bottle of cola.
Gen is still a good boi tho

LINK: https://t.co/mnmkut7Yd6

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