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From ourselves and , Merry Christmas all. Hoping Santa has left me some new, semi-skilled clan mates under the tree. 🙏

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oh damn this week episode was stunning as heck. Gabiru 😐 is so dumb, his sister Souka is way smarter. 🤣 Ranga so amazing this episode. If you wipe out someone clan remember them. Shion <3 how she wipe them out. 🤣

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Hoy es día de sentarse junto al fuego una vez más, de compartir buenos momentos con la familia y los amigos. ¡Un buen jabalí asado alegra a cualquiera, poco importa si eres un orco navideño o no!

¡El Clan Quemasendas al completo os desea una feliz Navidad! ¡Aka'Magosh!

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Sorry for delay
Taejin Week day 7: Royalty AU, Servant/Master
Jin - The most powerful wizard adopted Taehyung - The white tiger of Cat Clan. At first, he thought Taehyung was just a little normal kitten. It turned out, he's not.

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This is Diamondstar. She's part of BloodClan and managed to convince the other clans to let BloodClan live in the forest, too. BloodClan became a real warrior clan and she became the leader of it. Her mate, Scourge, is her deputy.

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quick warmup doodle from this morning, it's a humanized (sort of) version of my dragon on flight rising, she's my clan's leader (sort of)

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Willowshine! I think a lot of people had the same idea I did with her markings, haha! I tried to make her look soft, but determined, and there's just a twinge of blue to her gray because, you know, Riverclan. The best clan.

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Kind medicine cat from fishy clan vel Willowshine 👌#WoTW

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wen ning is the leader of the Good Boy Clan ☀️

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"Hold on, I'm on my way!"

Just a little thing I wanna use as an avatar in our Arma clan forum. I'm a medic with a passion. >:3c

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El Clan Quemamemes ataca de nuevo.

Hecho por:

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bon dia clan 😎😎

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Hey shepards!
Today's gruff of the day hails from the funkfiend clan it's Mr. Blight! What shepard pairs best with him, and what gruffs do you put on his team? Lets get real janky with it for this funky boy.

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Serpent Clan for old project. Cheersssss! =D

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【kill &down集Part8】




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K SEVEN STORIES Episode 6「Circle Vision ~Nameless Song~」トーク&ミニライヴ付き上映会


本日よりK FAN CLAN及びangela gelamily会員限定チケット先行開始!

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GoRAの7名が総出演するK SEVEN STORIES Episode 6「Circle Vision ~Nameless Song~」生コメンタリー付上映会『GoRAが語る「K」の会シアタースペシャル』12/26(水)開催!

本日よりK FAN CLAN限定でチケット先行開始!

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