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Yeaaaah not too crazy about this one, I need more practice drawing people -.- How is it day 3 of already!?
The theme is Time so here's Nayru with the Harp of Ages! Yet another TLoZ magical time travel instrument lol

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The Golden Goddesses.
I think Farore is my favorite. But Din get's two pages just because.

I tried to make them individuals, but collaborative looking, y'know? I'll probably ramble more on twitter about em.

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Toon Linka Spoopy WIP.

Gonna be busy the next few days... best I can do rn.

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Day 2 - don’t look too closely... the perspective is wack

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Day two of Linktober's theme is "Princess". I went with my favorite princess... Agitha. I don't think this adorable Bug Loli gets near enough love.

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Day 2: Gohma

I tried to go with a Lucas the Spider look
It worked...to an extent
The crab spider queen is terrifyingly adorable, no?

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This is very messy/unfinished and I know next to nothing about Zelda but these two were a lot of fun to draw for some reason!^-^

Thank you for the suggestion ~

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me playing and seeing link drowns in 2CM water

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Day 2 - Princess Hilda
I didn't draw for day 1 'cuz I was busy so bad

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Here is my first piece for day 1 start of Linktober! ^^ i'll be probably jumping prompts so I can to do different ones
Linktober Shadow

Prompt: Shadow / Dark Link

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