画質 高画質

Look what I recieve from the mail today?! I really love how thick it is, not to mention how gorgeous it looks!!! I can't believe I have it in my hands now! 😭📚💞

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LOOK😍!! One of my latest animations!! Thank you so much for the privilege!! I loved animating this🤩!!

Want to see your own book covers/audiobooks/banners animated? Book now to ensure your spot😍👉!! https://t.co/hyhOnIL5mU

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Anyone else love working to a storyline - snagging up against problems and teasing out ways to make them work? Currently pondering the logistics of a merfolk ball (illustration by TaniTomo from 2)

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More great art! A new book written by yours truly, coming to comic shops February 19th.

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If you are not following , please do so now. ESPECIALLY if you're into

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Have you set reachable this year? Lets encourage each other to reach them! rocks!


Cradle Rock, one of my goals!

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This is Eve Jasper; an upcoming apocalyptic for me. She's doomed. *Evil grin*

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Writers are heroic. They work in isolation and use only 26 letters to create your favorite books, poems, stories, movies & TV shows.

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yes i’m excited about valentine's day, no i won’t wait 3 weeks to post this.
You can read their story here:

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Book 3 in EMBARK: Earth Trilogy coming soon. Get caught up on the adventure, humor, romance and intrigue today!
EMBARK (1) &


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"The role of a is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say." - Anais Nin

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"I wasn’t meant for reality, but life came and found me." - Fernando Pessoa

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Fellow what sites, magazines, companies, etc. have you loved working for in the past? Want to expand the writing side of my freelance work. Appreciate any and all suggestions!

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Who‘d like to see their book covers animated😍?!

I know I’m being totally cheeky & incorrigible but I want to get my hands on your books😜😂

I’ve now animated +1K covers!! Get your own book covers animated here🤩: https://t.co/EyVyMdhjqx

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ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! ADULT FICTION! Can you tell what submissions we want? We love our YA and loving reading through the submissions but ADULT FICTION authors come through!

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Writers! Intending to self-publish your book? Or are you thinking of submitting to an agent or publisher?
Every writer needs a proofreader. Here's why!
https://t.co/CjNPqpcT3y … … … … … … …

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what is your biggest fear as a writer?

Not being relevant?
Not being read?
Never being published?

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