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'cOmIcS hAvE aLwAyS bEeN aPoLiTiCaL'

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Every political cartoonist covering U.S. politics is going through the same hell these days…

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Matteo dovrà imparare un nuovo mestiere, "stare all'opposizione" direte voi. No! il venditore porta a porta !

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musician created a live soundtrack for screenings of “The Golem,” a silent 1920’s German by Paul Wegener. Juxtaposing the Israeli national anthem w/ Wagner, he creates a stunningly eerie & politically aware score https://t.co/85IbJa14t9

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4/6 ...all the while navigating Uganda’s tumultuous and dangerous political situation. In the midst of her modeling career, she was appointed ambassador then foreign minister in Uganda, making huge strides in improving public image of the country.

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Everytime Marvel says they don't want to be political in their comics I just like to remind people that Jim Hammond the OG Human Torch killed Hitler in the Marvel Universe. And he would do it again.
Invaders Now (2010)

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