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Leider findet dieses Jahr die Leipziger Buchmesse nicht statt und es gibt eine besondere Aktion

Ich moechte gerne diese Aktion teilnehmen und bedanke mich noch Mal fuer diese besondere Aktion!

Bei Interesse gerne Nachricht per DM✉

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Teil zwei meines Portfolios können Verlage über die Aktion sehen.
Weitere Arbeiten finden sie auf meiner Webseite https://t.co/5LSb3FKhbf
Dann freue ich mich mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten (Link in Bio).

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ventus' heart station has always bothered me bc there's 4 empty spaces there that look like they /should/ be occupied by aqua, terra, vanitas and maybe eraqus or sora, but instead there's nothing - just wayfinders

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Did I buy more character art? Sure did.
Here's 's rendition of Arnina, my storm druid gnome who is a former River Pirate from the River Kingdoms. Follower of Besmara and loyal to her crew (fellow Pathfinders), but always ready to cause a little mayhem when possible.

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Thank you, for the the ticket.
I also share my contributions to 's
I like to invite the monster inventors & to share their 😱

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Frage an alle Comicinteressierte: Was findet ihr sinnvoller um Stottern in deutschen Comics darzutsellen?
Ellipse oder Bindestrich?

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may i present to you my oshi please look at his :3 smile and his sparkly eyes he barely knows of any brands, is bronze ranked in communication according to himself, but most importantly he typed like pathfinder bc he dreamed of pathfinder last night. thank u for listening to me

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Ich probiere mich aus. Ich teste grad bisschen an meinen Emotes rum und brauche eure Meinung. Welches findet ihr besser? 1 oder 2?

s'geht nur um das Colouring und Lining, nicht um das Motiv, danke! :D

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Tachanka found a lost a 3D printed gun on the ground at Kabul. Finders keepers!

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Not again! 😆 just kidding and thanks for inviting me back on board the ! I like the idea of sharing so I'll also share some of mine! I invite if they want to join

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Darwin would be sad

Quick explanation: araneas live in small colonies but the members change as they leave to pursue their own interests. There's more to Serket but you'll learn that at a later date.

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