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My artwork for the , a zine filled with OCs from German-speaking artists!


Mein Beitrag für das OC Fashion Zine :) Silas, Theo & Aristhea ♥️

Das Heft könnt ihr bereits im Ticketshop der als Goodie bekommen!

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I forgot to announce here that DESOLATION CLUB IS OVER!!!
My first long comic...I finished it!!!
So grateful to my scenarist who believed in me and so thankful to you all for your support!
Hope you (FR & ITA) will like it, hope it'll find an english publisher 💦
Over & out!!

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Say Yes AU where Koun is a college student and a regular customer of this certain coffee shop. His hobby is watching Gilhein, the barista, working.

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- day 2: coffee shop au
sylvain this is inappropriate barista behavior and ingrid is going to have you fired

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Day 9 - Sea Witch
Days 10, 11, 15 - Pumpkin, Aristocrat/Victorian and Lunar, plus Love. The vampire part isn't in any of the prompts I just wanted an excuse to have only one of them be old fashioned and also vampires are spooky.

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Yet another random for the Atari ST, "Demon." UI sure has evolved over the years...

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🌟 AUTEURS 🌟2/4

Flora Grimaldi - Scénariste de métier, elle s'occupe du scénario et de la couleur sur Tib & Tatoum. Elle est aussi l'autrice de l'univers fantastique de L'île d'Errance. Elle a travaillé sur l'adaptation TV de Tib & Tatoum, récemment diffusée sur TF1 😍

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Pour ma part je recommande vivement Penss et les plis du monde de Jérémie Moreau chez Delcourt qui est un bijou visuel et scénaristique et c'est tout récent.

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Time for improv!

All Fest guest illustrators will come up on stage to draw live and create unique pieces together, projected onto the big screen to the sound of rock guitarist

23 Nov

👉 https://t.co/UoNzjgA6Pr

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Project Splatoon 3 - Cypress & Vanil, the baristas at Aro-mist Cafe, where players can order food and drinks!

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"Whipped Cream" is an animated short I'm developing! It’s a little love story between Eleanor, who communicates in ASL, and Lucy the barista, who knows no sign language whatsoever, but is hopelessly crushing on Eleanor since the first day she took her order.

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Day is “sweet”, featuring a whole new original character from my Barista/Busker concept! Meet barista-extraordinaire (and Victor’s best friend) Rabeeba!

CrimsonsCreations DA page: https://t.co/A0mV38OS4f
Prompt List: https://t.co/SGYmj3FrUT

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Hommage à Tome qui nous a quittés avant-hier et qui était notamment le scénariste des BD Soda et Le Petit Spirou que je lisais plus jeune...

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