画質 高画質

Playing around with Gaia, some really interesting results already and we've just got started

88 300

Plasma Puncher is a game with many layers :)

21 39

Experimenting with lighting and skyboxes.Going to start work on hit impacts and relighting everything.:)

3 9

FT Infinityをやっとこさレビューに申請。

7 8

gettin there with combat, it's starting to flow and has some options now

97 247

Build your own team of officers. Choose wisely, Commander.

19 26

☀️☀️ New LOGO and new Facebook Page! ☀️☀️

8 18

Didn't expect animating in to be that much fun
buggy but still fun

3 10

Some detailed screenshots of Very natural and organic environments !

5 11