Is it bad that I ❤️ my own Tweets? 😁 Someone needs to get the hype started. 😇🤣😂

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The best advice about posts after an incident? How angry are you? 🤣😂 JS think about it 1ST. Anywho, I have an OMG I farted story I could tell. (that might be a TMI Post to possibly rethink & then DO share 🤔 🤣 )

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I'm not looking for just community: I'm looking for meaningful connections, conversations & lasting change.

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What happens when you listen? You Learn. There's a difference b'tween hearin things & actively listening. If ur not processing the information what's the point of hearing about it? is participating w/ strong individuals actually out doing good.

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So these tweets are to show you WHY having is worth ur time.
1. pics that can b used commercially. prints? stickers? clothes? notebooks?
2. Buy in helps fund art practices by Women.
3. Buy in helps to setup a biz network 4 Hodlers perks

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When I think of my project or should I say our project? (So excited I have collaborators.) When I think my vision is they’re a access door. They’re opening access for me & other female artists IRL & in 4 the pivot!

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⛈ Are you also a ❤️ of art & looking for unknown new experiences? Imagine a Road Trip? Scavenger hunt? Take a check list of mural art to see round the country? Your would give you exclusive roadmap? It’s about the vibe check! Bring to IRL 🧵7

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⛈ Initially I wanted to make murals. Now I want to hire more women muralists. Imagine going around the country finding these gems? The world? 🧵3

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⛈ When you invest in a collection for 💎Hodl what are the long term features that attract you the most? A year in I feel more comfy asking 😁 🧵2

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Made it a Sticker Tuesday. Had a bit of fun. Back to looking for a Now.

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Ok anyone else's hand itching? Mine is & it better mean money not an allergic reaction 🫠🤣😂. is to fund art by women. Buy the these & get commercial rights to them & invites to the events created. Phase 2 is Biz site discounts, POAPs + added airdrops 4u.

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GM! Crazy beautiful world🤟🏽! Love the smell of in the morning. Lol. I’m hopping to a quick Zoom chat & brb like to be present & accounted for.

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Today is going to be "Make someone's portrait day" (I just invented that it's not really but it is now) 😁 I've got ideas! 1st nfteegal mural looking for sites

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Was hosted for a week while I painted a . So thankful that I'm building on my w/ the right ideas: & My tiny helper got to put a thumbprint by my signature.

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& are too often curse words in a world of now now now. I'm building Brand on goodwill, beautiful imagery & substance.

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If you know a new venture will be a success by its very nature from the onset? Is it then a leaf “Faith” OR a leap of “Action”?

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So... I’m building a project. Mine r 10k Art PFPs - I’m giving activity books, making a scavenger hunt & creating IRL murals/art. I’m developing brand experience instead. First mural goes up on 2.22.22 looking 4places.

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I use 4 mediums - Sculpture, Graphite on paper w/ surreal touch, Acrylic expressionism & my digital art w/ Kawaii Feminist influences. I try to keep them separate but mix at times

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