Follow me for more ha-OOOO A CAT VIDEO 🐈

Wanna support the comics and help me remember what I was just doing

fam you make it all possible 💜

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it's day and I want to thank everyone who supports Diskordia and is contributing to me following my dream of being able to create and tell this weird, wild story of mine and share it without compromise. Here's to many more days like this!

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It’s day, and I want to thank my patrons for making it possible for me to focus on making personal art this year. You guys have enriched and nourished my creative life and for that I am endlessly grateful!! THANK YOU for your support ❤️

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August content has been sent! Join during September to get multiple free bonus goodies: A postcard print and some high res art on top of the usual rewards! All info at

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Working on two posts for patreon today (one for patrons and one open one). In the meantime check out the most recent illustration completed with their support.

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Got my 6th patron on last month!
It might not be much to some people, but just imagining that even 1 person is willing to pay to see my art makes me very happy! 😊

So !!

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Thank you all my Pledges for your continuing support. It if wasn't for you I'd not be able to continue to create as much as I have. Ever little bit counts. Thanks for believing in me!
You can help by pledging as little as $1!

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It’s day I’ve heard! I don’t have many patrons on my Patreon but I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me in what I love to do! If you want to support my patreon check it out:

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All thanks to my patrons I’ve been able to produce much more personal work this year, despite a busier than ever project schedule. You’ve all earned my unending gratitude. 🙏❤️

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I don't really have a cute new drawing or anything to go with this but I just wanted to jump in and for the success of both Patreons I'm involved with. My personal site and help me live a creative life. Love you all

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(1/2) As it's day, let me say my project wouldnt have gotten past early sketches without their support and kindness. Artists tend better at coming up with cool ideas than finishing them. Thanks so much! This one is finished, on to the next!

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Miky in a figure reference pose. A special shout-out to my supporters on patreon!

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It's day!
A day to show our appreciation to all that support Patreon accounts and our crazy ideas. So, if you happen to see a creator you like, consider making a pledge, as it's your support that allows us to be able to do this in the first place.

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although I'm a day late, I still want to say for your ongoing support on! Every $, like or comment shows me, that people actually enjoy what I am doing and this really is one of the biggest rewards I have ever had! Lots of love to you! ❤️

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Thank you Patrons!
There are not so many of you so the more we thank you!
Thank you for believing in us and supporting what we are doing!
Sincerely yours Space Crab Development

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Seriously. ♥

I think it's possible I would have had to give up doing pose reference stuff if it weren't for your amazing support. Now I'm doing it LOTS and loving it!!

Keep drawing. I can't wait to see what we make together.

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I’m thankful for my Patreon supporters. We’ve just begun this creative journey and I’m looking forward to great art, games, and stories to come!

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