хм,.. Кайзер, или всё же По Биа Эллейн? лично я за Эллейн, а как считаете вы?👁👁

14 54

I craved to see Bam as Aether since I started playing Genshin and--- did you know Khun and Xiao share VA in korean? and I love Xiaoaether so... this had to be done *feeds myself* ToT

198 689

💝❄️Happy (Late) Valentine’s Day!!🌰💝

Khun received some home made chocolates~
What do you think he said to Viole? 😚

Haha I really struggled to finish this one
but it’s finally done (/。\)

96 363

Just realized I never posted the static versions for the gif here~

Bambi 🥺❤️


34 143

✨Happy New Year!✨🐮🌰

Khun is singing a spanish kid’s song called “Vaca Lechera” which means dairy cow…I thought it would be cute haha

70 278

and Happy Birthday to our beloved boy Bambi 😭🙏

205 618

I did NOT forget about this WIP, see? I just... well...
ANYWAY. Wangnan and Nya were so cute.....
Please why did they do that to him it still hurts me.... 💔
Have some fluff.

125 469

I can finally post this....vERY....self indulgent fanart....omg....
Viole's thigh length stockings. yeah. that's the tweet.
Ok i'll just run away now.

73 298

Мне очень нравится история (неподтвержденно автором манхвы), где Рахиль является служанкой при Арлен.😳👏

15 69

"...Can I have a bite?~..."

Happy Halloween ToG fandom!!
I hope you enjoy this little fanservice haha
I love Vampire Khun

123 391

захотелось переделать спрайты ронпы под башню

35 161

"...He is mine..."

I just wanted to see KhunBam kissing in front of Rachel...
This was very self indulgent asdfasdgfg

388 1146