
82 347


2 40

庆祝Netflix 的《圣斗士星矢》黄道十二宫中第三集就登场的阿布所画的摸鱼头像~变成短鬓角了耶。
工具:Procreate 油画笔刷

45 136


13 123

圣斗士LC 亚伦竟然还是紘糖配的呀😭可爱……但是哈迪斯呜呜

0 13

I did strengthen the dark purple armor tag and created one pic looks good, but then I got this😮so I changed my mind and decided to post this one.

22 178

I’ve already given silver hair to DM in this cyberpunk theme, but during the process of creating Manigoldo this one came out which makes me surprised and indecisive, he totally got the vibe of DM

35 192

Shania's face surprised me in the anime, I didn't expect she has this innocent, big-eyes look.

51 309