Shania's face surprised me in the anime, I didn't expect she has this innocent, big-eyes look.

51 309

Patreon's Sketch Request: Marin
I wanted to draw her with her training clothes :)

18 71

y muchachos, ahi tenia pendiente este mash up de Marin kitagawa con la armadura de aguila y a marin de saint seiya con el bikini de kitagawa
espero les guste.
madre santa, como me encantó pintarlo.

23 83

June: they will be togeder ?😭

Shaina: shh just watch !

Marin: i dont get this movie...

Day 15 - Normal Life

13 44

Merry Xmas !! Here is your gift! I hope you like it ;3;/ Thank you for the opportunity this year ♥
and for y'all!!

20 42

Marin's nonchalant sass is ♥ and we share bd, so 3 for her. Still, I'm not happy with her OG Cloth design, so I headcanon Mu upgraded it. Fight me xD

64 182

パラ銀お疲れ様でした!【通販のお知らせ】 | 桃色

その素顔誰に見せる | 瞳翠

☆ | ちあき

アテナ | shaineA

9 5