13th to 29th November, 2019: 理大圍城 - siege of Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. Paintings by Ricker Choi

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13th to 29th November, 2019: 理大圍城 - siege of Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. Paintings by Ricker Choi

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記念理大圍城兩週年。。 畫了新作 "保衛校園 - Defend Our Campus", 16"x30" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi

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"中大保衛戰"和"理大圍城"一周年了! 這是我為勇武創造的,我對他們的敬意! It's been a year since the Siege of HK Universities. These are the art I have created to honor Valiants!

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點解 《#理大圍城》係三級片?打壓自由太赤裸?黑警太暴力?都唔係!係自由意志太耀眼,極權頂唔緊⋯

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