11.11 Anniversary: Start of the Siege of CUHK (HK 2019)
A day where so much happened.
- "Dawn action" protests began.
- Chow Pak-Kwan was shot by police.
- CUHK Siege begins.
Again we will lean on thread on the matter:

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11·11 五日抗爭者保衛中大,警察放了二千枚催淚彈, 令校園變了戰場。 11/11/2019 HK police attacked Chinese University of HK, releasing 2000 tear gas canisters. Acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

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"中大保衛戰"和"理大圍城"一周年了! 這是我為勇武創造的,我對他們的敬意! It's been a year since the Siege of HK Universities. These are the art I have created to honor Valiants!

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Not only PolyU, but also CUHK & HKBU & CityU & HKU.... They had turned over half of universities in HK as battlefields.

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많은 시위자들이 아직까지도 중문대 캠퍼스 안에 남아서 지키고 있다. 현장에서 인스턴트 푸드와 통조림만 남아 있고 신선 식재료가 많이 없기 때문에 다들 맨밥, 소시지와 통조림만 저녁으로 먹었다.

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is shooting tear gas and rubber rounds inside the major university in Hong Kong- the Chinese University after they deal with the president of that university.

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong Students said they would not leave unless HK Police stop their attacking. How brave are they? What a government do to make them be brave?

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It won’t be the last for CUHK.

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Through the police teargas & rubber bullets, the flag still flies at CUHK.

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second home of student. Where could we go?

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From Beijing Normal Uni in 1919 to Shaw U in 1960, and from Kent State in 1970 to Peking U in 1989. Protest movements often come out of university campuses, and government crackdowns too often take place there as well. CUHK is not the first battleground and it won't be the last.

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