I didn't expect that the game would be back in another form, I'm so moved! Now I can have a dessert shop and travel around the world again!

Congratulations on coming back!

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Commissioned by 紫璋 (via Plurk) to draw Liboire Lignac from 甜點王子2~!

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[ 嘿我是置頂啦(´・Д・)」 ]

❤강다니엘 💜羽神光


🌸百變怪 by.三三
🌸人設 by.鮭鮭 (@ ika_yik)
十萬分感謝鮭鮭uwu 也希望大家喜歡❤

5 103

祝大家聖誕快樂~(●°u°●)​ 」

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