突然发现 的故事里,

94 187

Preview of my piece the Priest Major Arcana Zine !
🏔️Judgement - Zhao Yunlan🏔️

Zine will come out on June 13!! Please look forward to everyone's amazing works~

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32 74

Wanted to draw some fancy pose ... ended up with whatever this is xD

26 86

I've rewatched the last ep of Guardian today bc i just couldn't understand how am i still stuck on them? 😅 ... and got hit with new wave of sad feels.
If anyone has any fic recs (preferably 18+) plzzzzz shaaare ❤

11 45

Slept today 7.30h instead of 3h ✨

Since my kid will be at home next week - i can only do doodles. I've started a project with funny pickup lines. I plan to do different characters, so if you have any suggestions -let me know 😏

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I need some softness rn bc i think i'm getting sick and this is really annoying.

42 128

Clearly I'm not over them yet ⬇️

The book was 👌 but the lack of descriptive physical contact left a whole in my heart which i'm trying to fill 😭😂

11 61

从左到右是 费渡 沈巍 赵云澜 骆闻舟。费渡教沈巍用智能机是朋友点的梗,然后赵云澜和骆闻舟主要是公务员的对比×可以看出来我们赵局在摸鱼(彩蛋是,赵云澜手里那本书是《蔬菜种植技术》)

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2017.03.23 진혼공계 첫 글
운명은 톱니바퀴처럼 서서히 돌고, 기억의 문이 열리며, 두 계를 넘나드는 형제의 전설, 생사와 시간을 넘나드는 정의의 수호, 제세진혼, 죽을 때까지 계속된다.

18 33

it somehow felt like a long time since I last drew some Weilan...

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