지역의 사생활 99 : 남해 - 타임캡슐을 찾습니다 / 센개
지역의 사생활 99 : 포천 - 안을 포 / 란탄
지역의 사생활 99 : 화순 - 스무고개 / 다드래기
지역의 사생활 99 : 보성 - 녹음과 노을 / 오묘
지역의 사생활 99 : 속초 - 도사의 계절 / 최지수



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졸업작품 "은하수를 여행하는 히치하이커"가 업로드 되었습니다!🛸

은하수를 여행하는 히치하이커

제작 : 이준희 최지수 이제헌 김민정
3.18 Sat 7PM KST
Coming Soon🔔

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another i've sent at asc, and unfortunately i didn't make it again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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jisu that does’t look like jisu part5

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jisu that does’t look like jisu part3

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I see that I'm icy! ❄️✨

really getting the hang of clip studio methinks!!!

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"even if things get hard and you want to run away that doesnt mean youre weak. enduring is fighting. you'll make it to the end."
- choi jisu, letters to midzy, 2020

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최지수 Choi Jisu

Used the same reference with and

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190222 뮤직뱅크 중간출근길 류진

박력넘치는 류진이❣️(마지막에 리아끌고가는데 박력이..)

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Chibi Cloud by 최지수 (Jacqueline ‘Jisu’ Choe) ( tmblr dA ig fb tw site ) https://t.co/1jXvur2PQk최지수-jacqueline-jisu

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