[📢] 24K [Talk on! :9월] 영상통화 이벤트 안내

👨🏻‍🌾일시 : 2021.09.11(토) & 12(일)

🚜자세한 내용은 24K 공식 팬카페에서 확인해주세요!

➡️ https://t.co/NjWiXkq8r2

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[📢] 24K가 만화가족과 함께한 웹툰 <대형막내!>가 카카오페이지에 연재 되었습니다!

대형막내! 웹툰 보러가기🧐
➡️ https://t.co/sL7JFLVBhd

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[#시우] 빨강 벤트 탐

[Xiwoo] Red vented

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Hi xiwoo baby! do you have a favourite pokemon??

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I hope you have an amazing day! I wish you lots of love and happiness! Also please be healthy! Let’s have an amazing year! 🌟

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I wanted to show a little preview of the artwork that will be used for the Kakao stickers- I'm really aiming to make this project fun - free to use - and for everyone available! I'll keep uploading previews until launch date, seeya soon!

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