Day 54 of Continuing work on Maya's sprite. Cleaning up some of the artifacts from the scan, fixing some lines, and tweaking some details. It's almost done and ready for placement in game. Afterwards, I move on to another character!

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Day 7 of

We finished our game! Sort of. I mean, it doesn't even have a lose condition. But it was fun and I learnt a lot during the jam. I'll try to summarize it all in a post-mortem later this week.

Also, shout out to for incredible art.

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Day 6 of

Good news: I found a workaround for my videocard problem.
Bad news: things are moving far slower then we thought. I guess, using a not very familiar engine is not the best thing to do on a jam. From the other hand, I'm curious where we'll end up. :)

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