Just went live with some more DBZ Kakarot!! We just beat Frieza and his minions now we will finally get to the Androids!!

8 14

I'm a bit late to the party but going live with Dragon Ball Z Kakarot! Come hang out!

4 7

And to everyone else that came by to hang out, follow, and show your support. Tonight was such a blast. Here's to 30!

0 18

Such a great stream! Thanks to locohunter & for the epic raids! and for the amazing community raids. And for everyone that hung out and followed.

1 8

Going to be starting stream a bit later today. Need to spend more time at the gym to burn off some steam. <3 Will probably be picking One Piece back up and see what we need to do to finish up the game! See you then fam!

1 13

I wasn't expecting such a great stream! Supposed to be short stream and chill and you all came to hang out for the raids/hosts and for the subs/bitties <3 I love you all!

1 10

Thank you to everyone that came by and hung out! for the raids/hosts - and people I can't tag BlakeB, DKThulsa for the subs and bitties! <3 https://t.co/MDcQjygxC0

4 16

Thanks to everyone that hangs out and supports me. You guys make it all worth it and I love what I do. ♡ I wouldnt still be streaming if it wasnt for you guys.

1 11

The Dead never sleep - starting in an hour! Come hang out and watch me die a ton!!!!


5 13

Why is pirating so addictive? They say once ye lose yer first hand, ye get hooked! Going with more Come hang out!! Road to 500 Followers Let's gooooo


9 14

~~Nomi-swwannnnnn~~!!!! Gave in and got for PC! Let's dive in and become the next Pirate King!


3 5

Finally checking out what this game is about. I already love the art and sound design! Come hang out with Going now!


2 7

I have been waiting patiently for this game to release. looks so beautiful and I cannot wait to play it!
I'll be live tomorrow around 4:30pm est. Hope to see you all there!


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I will be going in about 45 min checking which is currently free on store! Grab a coffee and come chill on my path to 500 followers and 50 subs ♡♡♡


2 6

Finished up ! There are a lot of things to say about the whole trilogy. Thanks to everyone that came by. Your support has been amazing. Special thanks to for the big raid last night. ♡

3 13