
14 76

1位(RT347/Fav1177):https://t.co/vzwkL9rQPH (doradorazz)
2位(RT317/Fav1041):https://t.co/Vp7XIhaCGy (ranran__3939)
3位(RT183/Fav804):https://t.co/x0Im9nqm1W (shohosandaisuki)
4位(RT169/Fav636):https://t.co/R2xk0G1njH (GAKKY10227316)

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“Up for a challenge?”

Some kind of flying vampire knight.

I enjoy ribbons.


0 4

GM fam ☕️

Ever since I minted DJ Oreo (Top Dog I’ve grown an affinity for the 🐼 trait.

Here are my other Panda Dogs, both with matching face and body. Only 15 of their kind in the entire collection. 😍

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(pid-46401177)鹿目まどかさん.jpg https://t.co/U1wbXT6Qng

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1176 Battle of Legnano is won by the Lombard League against Imperial forces led by Frederick Barbarossa. led to the Treaties of Venice (1177) and Constance (1183) and besides Rome, it's the only other city mentioned the Italian national anthem.

1 3

マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (1177)  


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「地上より トム少佐へ」

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