The Forever Winter got a content drop, I'll stream it in about an hour!
(1845 ET)

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-Illustration Commission “Your interpretation of Carmen, the heroine of the 1845 novel by Prosper Mérimée.”
Thank you !

5 39


140 727

創作2コマ漫画 その1845

281 1396

【1845~52年 ジャガイモ飢饉】

16 59


てーとくは干さなくても大丈夫なのだ( ˘ω˘ )


106 361

チェキご注文頂いた 〔 N様…【#ピグパ ID:PF-1845-1564】(▶︎から投稿

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Edwin Landseer: I am going to paint a picture to commemorate the loss of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror and Sir John Franklin and his crew in the Northwest Passage in 1845

Lady Franklin: thank you that sounds nice and respectful


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Original: Q1845Qkumi

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Ernst Anders (26 March 1845– 1911) was a German painter

9 15

.Ernst Anders (26 March 1845– 1911) was a German painter.Motherly affection...

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Title: Didelphis Virginiana, Virginian Opossum Female & Young Male. 7 Months Old. Natural Size
From: The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America
Artist: John Woodhouse Audubon
Date: 1845-1848
Source: The New York Public Library

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View Across Frenchman`s Bay from Mount Desert Island, After a Squall, 1845

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Grazie mille cara Susan! Questo dettaglio è magnifico come l'intero dipinto. Ecco un altro Dahl di Dresda:

Dresda al chiaro di luna (1845)

Johann Christian Dahl 🎨

1 6

This chapter might be highly inspired by 2 things:

•The classical song “In the Hall of the Mountain King (1875)” by Edvar Grieg for the title.

•The revenge french novel “The Count of Monte Cristo (1845)” by Alejandro Dumas, one of Monkey Punch's favorite writers.

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