創作2コマ漫画 そ1853

252 1282


本当に暑いからみんな気を付けてね!( ˘ω˘ )


90 309

『泰平の眠りを覚ます上喜撰 たった四杯で夜も寝られず』という狂歌が当時流行し、高級緑茶の”上喜撰4杯”と、来航した”蒸気船4隻”が掛けられており、鎖国にあぐらをかいていた幕府の狼狽ぶりを揶揄した歌とされています。

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"Sinop battle" by I.C. (1853)

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It’s Van Gogh’s Birthday today - born today 3-30-1853

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Pre Art Break 1
Vincent Van Gogh-“Blossoming Almond Branch In A Glass With A Book”(1888)

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🖌️ Pero de 1853, nacía Vincent considerado uno de los grandes maestros de la

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"The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too” 1853, arguably the most famous and influential artist of the past 150 years,

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Vincent van Gogh (March 1853 - July 1890) The drinkers, April 1890 ▶️ 60 X 73 cm

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3月30日は の誕生日
また1987年3月30日、安田火災(当時)が を58億円で落札しています。

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Lazy Cubs Crown Trait Alert! 🍼 Lion Cub just listed for 1.05Ξ ($1853.05) https://t.co/eEmAA7mkD5

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Jean-Joseph Delvin (23.6. 1853 – 1922) was a Belgian painter_1

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Running for an Anchorage (c. 1882) by Henry Chase (American artist, lived 1853-1889).

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Hace 170 años moría Christian Doppler, físico austriaco, su máxima contribución a la física fue la enunciación del efecto Doppler, sobre el aparente cambio de frecuencia de una onda recibida por un observador respecto de un emisor en movimiento. 🚑🔉🔊
29 nov 1803 - 17 mar 1853.

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1853: Ossianic Society founded to preserve/publish MSs of Fionn cycle. Members inc John O'Daly, William Elliot Hudson, John Edward Pigot, Owen Connellan, John Windele, William Smith O'Brien, Standish Hayes O'Grady. 1860, 746 subscribers. 🎨Oisin

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Frank Dicksee (1853-1928) — more!

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