本日2月16日は さんのお誕生日ですので

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Cartoon 248/365, year 2. Today I really just didn’t know what to draw and this is what ended up happening…an octopus in a dress I guess!

0 6

Jungwoo × PUMA

58 89

Waveform 2 for Joshua Morse


1 5

247/365 - 248/365 eu te amo kurapika

0 1

Day 248/365 challenge.
Made in with
Connection with Nature
I like to draw nature.
I want to capture the nature of this point where I live now. This may be a record of history, or it may become a memory over time.

11 30

【2021/6/21 248/365】
ポケットモンスターシリーズ「ポイントアップ(PP Up)」

0 0

248/365 最初のポケモンに選ばれたデデンネ  

7 31


66 769

No. 4 - "1980's"!

Full windbreaker suits are an often overlooked 80s fashion disaster and I love them and omg they're so fun to draw it's ridiculous 😂


2 13