//=time() ?>
#Prince 💋 never have i been so grateful♈♊💋
My #GeminiPrince with the guitar that can part the sea
R souls take this ride 2gether #2nightAnd4EverMore is the key
#CosmicLover we will b 2gether again just u and me
#PurpleCrew I don't have much 2 do 2morrow &I want 2 catch up with my lovelies ♡🤩💯
awaken 2 ur sound
There's more I have 2 tell u ☆
We will always b bound sealed with a #ElectricKiss 💋
So much u haven't seen
I know u r wishing 2 b somewhere in b2wn
#DreamEternal #CosmicLover
💋♈♊ L-♡-V-E,
6 months post #Chemo I can begin again with my #PrinceArt
Just wanted 2 share this #PurpleCrew cos I also made a 2nd that is a #MyEyesOnlyEvent
It's them same as what u c except 😎
(just like #Prince it doesn't stop) 💋
As long as u got me Eye got ur back
It's a good thing I had already started some art 4 #SOTT b4 I felt the effects from cancer . Hope not 2 walk that way again
#Uknow i feel u Baby💋
@PrincePartyUK this says it all♡ cutest thing since the witness of #PrinceBummyShake 🥰
#PurpleCrew #ChemoDays in the AM
Last Month Of #Chemo !!!
Begone #leiomyosarcoma 😝
I have 2 catch up with so many things 🤓
#Prince #CosmicLover always right there
#2nightAnd4EverMore 💋
We have more levels then 9
All others dissipate thru time
My #TwinFlame it’s been r aim
2 have #NothingNb2nRskinExceptTheRain
Come n2 this #DreamEternal
#ElectricKiss u leave me with
breathe u in surrendering my body
U bring r destiny
ur soul intertwines with mine
whisper 2 me again as we coalesce in the darkness of #Space
#CosmicLover #Prince #SoDivine
Take me 2 the place where we planned so long ago
My Beautiful Beloved #GeminiPrince 💋
Without u
#AnotherLonelyChristmas is mine
U should b #Here
Brighter then the Northern Star....
#PurpleCrew sending all types of good ju-ju and 4 the happiest of New Year's
#CosmicLover #Prince
Baby💋always making me feel the Thunder b4 the lightning strike
1 of the many nights u made it rain
the rain
the rain
the rain
Alright my #PurpleCrew if I don't share my art I will end up as a puff of shiny purple confetti where I used 2 stand lol 🤯😅
I can't contain my love 4 #Prince in this life or the next
All I know Baby💋is I LoVe U I LoVe U in me 🥰😘♈♊🎸
I keep ur picture beside my bed
I still remember everything u said
I always think r LoVe is so right
I always thought u'd b by my side
I still light a fire on a rainy night
I still like it better when u r holding me tight
#2nightAnd4EverMore #CosmicLover
All #4U #Prince ♈♊
Started this art piece b4 my hospital week long festival
I'm having ridiculous amounts of pain at the moment
it's just not right 😑
I'm not going 2 rest until I put my head on my Baby's 💋chest
#Prince #CosmicLover
@CHere4PrinceXO CC just everything right there
My Beautiful Beloved
#Prince #2nightAnd4EverMore
Finished this art late last night or early this morning
#Uknow how time blurs when it comes 2 Baby💋🤩
The second I posted b4
&my art I was telling u about ♡ 🥰 #Every21
#UnderneathTheCream with U is where I want 2 b
Cos there's
iLoVeUBaby 💋♈♊🎸
U have become the #OnyxKing and I the
@CHere4PrinceXO CC I'm here just crazily smiling away 🥰
#PrinceBummyShake 💋
Baby💋 #CallMyName
ThankU 2 every1 that made a stop & look c at my
Here's my unreleased #Prince art of #IfIwasUrGirlfriend
Baby💋Just want 2 b everything 2 U that U R 2Me
Cos #WithoutUthereIsNoMe
I #Adore U #2nightAnd4EverMore We can make #SlowLove
#SOTT ♈♊
P #Prince
R #RighteousOne
I #insatiable
N #NothingNb2nRskinExceptTheRain
C #Come #2nightAnd4EverMore
E #EternalLoveBaby
Baby💋b4 u complete darkness
U brought the light and I believed
The only #4ever that we both obtain
The only joy in this 4saken game ~LoVe
I don’t understand the lesson of it’s worth not 2 have u here on earth
When we r again face2face in full embrace
Ur love dissolves my pain heals my sorrow
We will have a million 2morrows of time indefinite
iLoVeUBaby 💋♈♊🎸
My heart pounds at the thought
R unbroken bond
I feel ur love u r #TheOnlyOne Eye’m dreaming of
U meet me in the creamy middle between the lines of night and day
Stay with me Baby💋my #CosmicLover #2nightAnd4EverMore
always u that I #Adore
#TwinFlame 👁💜U