Beautiful Beloved

I LoVeUBaby with all my heart 

My only regret I didn't go 2 u from the start 

We would have made Beautiful works of art

3 or 7 r lips touch and it feels like heaven 

We both like it when the scene is right

the way u hold me tight 💋

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2night, I thought
I'll work on some AI of my pic 4 fun
The pic I took the morning after 💔
appears 2 b a man sending an electrical charge
Thru my mind
Baby💋#SoDivine, told U
I felt ur the spark from ur lips

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  u leave me with
breathe u in surrendering my body
U bring  r destiny 
ur soul intertwines with mine 
whisper 2 me again as we coalesce in the darkness of
Take me 2 the place where we planned so long ago

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best way 2 describe what's happening
Might b wondering what da
1st art when I leave this earth
2nd art how showed himself 2 me b4 the 3rd yr
3rd art me(my soul)
enveloping My Beautiful Beloved 2 help him heal 1st yr

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