315th good morning tweet?

Frog morning!


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Google del Dia
Dec 17, 2021
Émilie du Châtelet's 315th Birthday

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Happy 315th birthday to Émilie du Châtelet, the subject of today's Du Châtelet was the author of Institutions de Physique & the 1st French translation of Newton's Principia, both of which are in 's rare book collection.

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New Google Doodle has been released: "Émilie du Châtelet's 315th Birthday" :)


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Neuer Google Doodle, Thema "Émilie du Châtelet's 315th Birthday" :)


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Fun with Google Doodles: Émilie du Châtelet's 315th Birthday

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Finished the 315th commission piece!! 📣📣📣
A half body illustration for Naya Torkinko ❤🐥✨
Thank you very much for your continued patronage!! 🍓💕

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Tonda Gossa everyone!(sorry I’m late, I worked on this for hours to the point where it’s not really the anniversary for me anymore but who cares lol)

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May The World Be Free From This fuss



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