
174 919

Minting Forecast & 3-Epoch Summary 📜

🌑 4 slotted / 1.10 expected => 364% 🔥🐉
🌔 0 slotted / 1.09 expected => 0%
🌕 4 minted / 1.09 expected => 367% 🔥🐉

⚖️ 3-Epoch Avg Max Perf Rating ≈ 244% 🔥🙏🌐

3 11

Day 377: Hu Tao is still not getting a rerun

30 277

Día 377: La skin de Poco Forajido tuvo unos leves cambio en esta actualización.
Antes se lograba ver su boca, y su sombrero tapaba un poco sus ojos. Ahora no se logra ver la boca, y su sombrero esta algo mas arriba.

Créditos a @/GoorMini

6 106


1 12

No. 377: Regirock
Rock Peak Pokémon

Regirock's body is composed entirely of rocks. Recently, a study made the startling discovery that the rocks were all unearthed from different locations.

1 5

Day 377: inspired by that one time crimeboys had a table

what are they doing with that table? where are they going???

50 374

Day 377: Another one. I'm stopping here for today since my wrist hurts a little.

0 4

Episode 377: Why and Why Not

A quick update on why I haven’t been around lately, and why I won’t quit.

Artwork: Skyler
Music: Jake Pierle

Facebook group: The Asylum — https://t.co/X1Yw22SYTT
Discord server: https://t.co/EbfZW2AjKt

30 33

AVENGERS A morose Quicksilver returns to his old neighborhood to wallow, but finds that it has become a hateful place wary of outsiders—including him, and a group of mutants who call themselves the Circle of Pavane. Of course, the Circle doesn’t seem too fond of him either.

0 4

No. 377: Regirock
Rock Peak Pokémon

Regirock's body is composed entirely of rocks. Recently, a study made the startling discovery that the rocks were all unearthed from different locations.

0 0

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Spider-Man is out to capture Styx and Stone, and Cardiac has similar plans—but he wants to put them down once and for all! Spidey, of course, can’t allow that.

2 13

Shackled Of Throne

Power is blinding, but what's the point of power if you can't use it wisely


0 0

Post Daiyousei by syuri22

Artist's pixiv: https://t.co/VDpRK4wnuo

0 4


7 22