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Recommend 4 favorite comic stories for your followers to order from their local comic book stores and tag 4 people to do the same. (this was actually hard lol)
@kevin_video @DannComics @HeartandVoice @ohotnig https://t.co/gcSs5NA7go
Recommend 4 favorite comic stories for your followers to order from their local comic book stores and tag 4 people to do the same.
@GafferSamgee @faithlwood @mabs_art @JadineRhine https://t.co/MGZgLHMJKV
Recommend 4 favorite comic stories for your followers to order from their local comic book stores and tag 4 people to do the same.
@cloudwrangler @FellHound_ @lachwriter @wootjay https://t.co/jaObD4BQtH
I wasn't tagged and this is old but I wanted to play #4FavoriteComicStories https://t.co/UX5lO9A7UW
Batman The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and @ArtBySale
Spider-Man Cold Arms by @straczynski and @TheRealJRJr1
Hellboy Wake the Devil by @artofmmignola
Spider-Man Death in the family by @mypauljenkins and @humberto_ramos https://t.co/7R0qKOYYjP
@Laura27Jones @salaczar @aviciouskoala @JazzlynStone @joeyesposito @LilahSturges @MegMardian My semi-current #4FavoriteComicStories to order & #BoostYourLCS
these are probably my all time top #4FavoriteComicStories (tho not including a Michel Rabagliatti book seems like sacrilege) - what are some of your faves, @ohotnig @WordieJason @CallumDiggle @TangoCharlie ? https://t.co/ryaGh4whAP
@zbogucki Tagged me for #4FavoriteComicStories so here we go! If you want, just go ahead and post the hashtag along with your 4 favs!
@reinohueco @comicarchitect @alvaroortiz_ @Antonio_Hitos @_itsdomingo_ @mafrobledo @DMPguionista @DarkoLafuente @NatachaBustos @BakadoriSan @Mamenmoreu_ @TirsoCons @Kano_es @javiercaster @CanKente @RoqueRomeroRua @urbanoscar @ghosttthead1 @nadar_art @AlbertMonteys @lorenmontatore @SuscrofaD @solina @villaisdrawing @Franxurio @WatcherBlog @klaustoon @MAngel_Arqto @pintamonas @isamolinavale @RaquelberryFinn @MelinaMilk #4FavoriteComicStories alla va, mas o menos ci-fi /fantasia acorde a los tiempos... 💜 No tageo a nadie pero a todo al que le apetezca que se sienta libre de hacerlo! :)
Ultra difficile de ne choisir que #4FavoriteComicStories, mais je vais tricher et en faire un pour chaque thème que j'aime.
#4FavoriteComicStories tagging anyone who wants to do this. These were all huge influences to me. https://t.co/bq4bpYK9Ga
@JoelMerriner @sammathaeus @hawkeyehawkguy @CalebStallings_ @DOMINIONCOMIC @ZackDavisson @The_Tolkienist @TolkienGuide @teremok77 I was tagged by @JoelMerriner for #4FavoriteComicStories so here it goes! (The last is non-fiction, hope that’s ok!)
What about you? @DrMaslen @zannedlyttle @keatsandchapman @hatii_matt
Here is 4 great reads to ask about on your comic shop ;) #4FavoriteComicStories
@daccampo @AGillespie @amancay_art @bryanedwardhill https://t.co/IE22FeHZ60
@MChecC @ethanjsacks @JoeCaramagna @JoeMulv @rdouek @JD_Oliva @davidbooher @AlexPaknadel @CharlesStickney @RyLeeart @Supajoe @ericpalicki @Christosgage @CommentAiry @neilkleid @WillSliney @RobertGill_Art @THEMARK25 @paolovillanelli @Da_Mess @jacopo_camagni @JavierGarron #4FavoriteComicStories
tagging some artists @MattiaIulis @mackchater @JPMayer_
@andres_sanchis @villaisdrawing @alvaroortiz_ @Antonio_Hitos @_itsdomingo_ @mafrobledo @DMPguionista @DarkoLafuente @NatachaBustos @BakadoriSan @Mamenmoreu_ @TirsoCons @Kano_es @javiercaster @CanKente @RoqueRomeroRua @urbanoscar @ghosttthead1 @nadar_art @AlbertMonteys @lorenmontatore @SuscrofaD @solina @Franxurio @WatcherBlog @comicarchitect @maribelcarod @geniespinosa @marimbavidal @SrtaLumpy @IsraSeyd @luisnct @CrisDuranLaGRUA @librosnegros Esto es muy difícil 😅 #4FavoriteComicStories
Nomino a @doctoranovia @evacarot @javier16v @m_atelier
@LucySullivanUK @NickAbadzis @Mike_Cavallaro @deanhaspiel @JMDeMatteis @ronmarz @jarodrosello @zacksoto @AcmeDarryl @mike_daws @FraserC69 @valkyriesblog @PMBuchan @GoshComics @PageFortyFive @OKComics @dvcomicshop @DandQ @squinkyelo @SelfMadeHero @Robgog @DarkHorseComics @JeffLemire @01FirstSecond #4FavoriteComicStories #4FavComics recs for to order from your local comic stores. Tagging 4 if they want to
@Simon_at_Boing @TomeenMurphy
@grthink @johnfreeman_DTT
4 shops
@thingsbydan is at @gnashcomics
@GoshComics has Arozone from @jedwardscott1
#PageFortyFive @DavesComics
@PinyaTomeu @pepegalvez1 @AlbertMonteys @javiercaster @DMPguionista @DarkoLafuente @NatachaBustos @BakadoriSan @Mamenmoreu_ @TirsoCons @Kano_es @mafrobledo @ElTioCreespy @emmartian @Tyrexito @_itsdomingo_ @juannodeldemoni @chemapamundirl @yupyop @historiaycomic @oscarsenar @josepbusquet @susannamarteen @Krennaste Aquí van algunas de mis #4FavoriteComicStories y nomino a @elovera_art @IriaonArt y @CaesarTwitt